Source code for prettyprinter.prettyprinter

import inspect
import math
import re
import sys
import warnings
import ast
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import singledispatch, partial
from itertools import chain, cycle
from traceback import format_exception
from types import (
from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary

from .doc import (
from .doctypes import (

from .layout import layout_smart
from .syntax import Token
from .utils import identity, intersperse, take

PY_VERSION_INFO = sys.version_info


COMMA = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, ',')
COLON = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, ':')
ELLIPSIS = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, '...')

LPAREN = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, '(')
RPAREN = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, ')')

LBRACKET = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, '[')
RBRACKET = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, ']')

LBRACE = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, '{')
RBRACE = annotate(Token.PUNCTUATION, '}')

NEG_OP = annotate(Token.OPERATOR, '-')
MUL_OP = annotate(Token.OPERATOR, '*')
ADD_OP = annotate(Token.OPERATOR, '+')
ASSIGN_OP = annotate(Token.OPERATOR, '=')

WHITESPACE_PATTERN_TEXT = re.compile(r'(\s+)')
WHITESPACE_PATTERN_BYTES = re.compile(rb'(\s+)')

NONWORD_PATTERN_TEXT = re.compile(r'(\W+)')
NONWORD_PATTERN_BYTES = re.compile(rb'(\W+)')

# For dict keys

# For dict values

# For sequence elements

# For top level strs


class CommentAnnotation:
    def __init__(self, value):
        assert isinstance(value, str)
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self):
        return 'ValueComment({})'.format(repr(self.value))

class _CommentedValue:
    def __init__(self, value, comment):
        self.value = value
        self.comment = comment

class _TrailingCommentedValue:
    def __init__(self, value, comment):
        self.value = value
        self.comment = comment

def comment_value(value, comment_text):
    """Annotates a Python value with a comment text.

    prettyprinter will inspect and strip the annotation
    during the layout process, and handle rendering the comment
    next to the value in the output.

    It is highly unlikely you need to call this function. Use
    ``comment`` instead, which works in almost all cases.
    return _CommentedValue(value, comment_text)

def comment_doc(doc, comment_text):
    """Annotates a Doc with a comment; used by the layout algorithm.

    You don't need to call this unless you're doing something low-level
    with Docs; use ``comment`` instead.

    ``prettyprinter`` will make sure the parent (or top-level) handler
    will render the comment in a proper way. E.g. if ``doc``
    represents an element in a list, then the ``list`` pretty
    printer will handle where to place the comment.
    return annotate(CommentAnnotation(comment_text), doc)

[docs]def comment(value, comment_text): """Annotates a value or a Doc with a comment. When printed by prettyprinter, the comment will be rendered next to the value or Doc. """ if isinstance(value, Doc): return comment_doc(value, comment_text) return comment_value(value, comment_text)
[docs]def trailing_comment(value, comment_text): """Annotates a value with a comment text, so that the comment will be rendered "trailing", e.g. in place of the last element in a list, set or tuple, or after the last argument in a function. This will force the rendering of ``value`` to be broken to multiple lines as Python does not have inline comments. >>> trailing_comment(['value'], '...and more') [ 'value', # ...and more ] """ return _TrailingCommentedValue(value, comment_text)
def unwrap_comments(value): comment = None trailing_comment = None while isinstance(value, (_CommentedValue, _TrailingCommentedValue)): if isinstance(value, _CommentedValue): comment = value.comment value = value.value elif isinstance(value, _TrailingCommentedValue): trailing_comment = value.comment value = value.value return (value, comment, trailing_comment) def is_commented(value): return ( isinstance(value, Annotated) and isinstance(value.annotation, CommentAnnotation) ) def builtin_identifier(s): return annotate(Token.NAME_BUILTIN, s) def identifier(s): return annotate(Token.NAME_FUNCTION, s) def keyword_arg(s): return annotate(Token.NAME_VARIABLE, s) def general_identifier(s): if callable(s): module, qualname = s.__module__, s.__qualname__ if module is None and hasattr(s, '__self__'): # Builtin methods on builtin types. module = type(s.__self__).__module__ if module in IMPLICIT_MODULES: if module == 'builtins': return builtin_identifier(qualname) return identifier(qualname) return identifier('{}.{}'.format(module, qualname)) return identifier(s) def classattr(cls, attrname): return concat([ general_identifier(cls), identifier('.{}'.format(attrname)) ]) class PrettyContext: """ An immutable object used to track context during construction of layout primitives. An instance of PrettyContext is passed to every pretty printer definition. As a performance optimization, the ``visited`` set is implemented as mutable. """ __slots__ = ( 'indent', 'depth_left', 'visited', 'multiline_strategy', 'max_seq_len', 'sort_dict_keys', 'user_ctx' ) def __init__( self, indent, depth_left, visited=None, multiline_strategy=MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PLAIN, max_seq_len=1000, sort_dict_keys=False, user_ctx=None ): self.indent = indent self.depth_left = depth_left self.multiline_strategy = multiline_strategy self.max_seq_len = max_seq_len self.sort_dict_keys = sort_dict_keys if visited is None: visited = set() self.visited = visited self.user_ctx = user_ctx or {} def _replace(self, **kwargs): passed_keys = set(kwargs.keys()) fieldnames = type(self).__slots__ assert passed_keys.issubset(set(fieldnames)) return PrettyContext( **{ k: ( kwargs[k] if k in passed_keys else getattr(self, k) ) for k in fieldnames } ) def use_multiline_strategy(self, strategy): return self._replace(multiline_strategy=strategy) def assoc(self, key, value): """ Return a modified PrettyContext with ``key`` set to ``value`` """ return self._replace(user_ctx={ **self.user_ctx, key: value, }) def set(self, key, value): warnings.warn( "PrettyContext.set will be deprecated in the future in favor of " "renamed PrettyPrinter.assoc. You can fix this warning by " "changing .set method calls to .assoc", PendingDeprecationWarning ) return self.assoc(key, value) def get(self, key, default=None): return self.user_ctx.get(key, default) def nested_call(self): return self._replace(depth_left=self.depth_left - 1) def start_visit(self, value): self.visited.add(id(value)) def end_visit(self, value): self.visited.remove(id(value)) def is_visited(self, value): return id(value) in self.visited def _warn_about_bad_printer(pretty_fn, value, exc): fnname = '{}.{}'.format( pretty_fn.__module__, pretty_fn.__qualname__ ) warnings.warn( "The pretty printer for {}, {}, raised an exception. " "Falling back to default repr.\n\n{}".format( type(value).__name__, fnname, ''.join(format_exception(type(exc), exc, exc.__traceback__)) ), UserWarning ) def _run_pretty(pretty_fn, value, ctx, trailing_comment=None): if ctx.is_visited(value): return _pretty_recursion(value) ctx.start_visit(value) if trailing_comment: try: doc = pretty_fn( value, ctx, trailing_comment=trailing_comment ) except TypeError as e: # This is probably because pretty_fn does not support # trailing_comment, but let's make sure. sig = inspect.signature(pretty_fn) try: sig.bind(value, ctx, trailing_comment=trailing_comment) except TypeError: fnname = '{}.{}'.format( pretty_fn.__module__, pretty_fn.__qualname__ ) warnings.warn( "The pretty printer for {}, {}, does not support rendering " "trailing comments. It will not show up in output.".format( type(value).__name__, fnname ) ) doc = pretty_fn(value, ctx) else: _warn_about_bad_printer(pretty_fn, value, exc=e) doc = repr(value) else: try: doc = pretty_fn(value, ctx) except Exception as e: _warn_about_bad_printer(pretty_fn, value, exc=e) doc = repr(value) if not ( isinstance(doc, str) or isinstance(doc, Doc) ): fnname = '{}.{}'.format( pretty_fn.__module__, pretty_fn.__qualname__ ) raise ValueError( 'Functions decorated with register_pretty must return ' 'an instance of str or Doc. {} returned ' '{} instead.'.format(fnname, repr(doc)) ) ctx.end_visit(value) return doc _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME = {} def get_deferred_key(type): return type.__module__ + '.' + type.__qualname__ _PREDICATE_REGISTRY = [] def _repr_pretty(value, ctx): for predicate, fn in _PREDICATE_REGISTRY: if predicate(value): return fn(value, ctx) return repr(value) _BASE_DISPATCH = partial(_run_pretty, _repr_pretty) pretty_dispatch = singledispatch(_BASE_DISPATCH) def pretty_python_value(value, ctx): comment = None trailing_comment = None value, comment, trailing_comment = unwrap_comments(value) is_registered( type(value), check_superclasses=True, check_deferred=True, register_deferred=True ) if trailing_comment: doc = pretty_dispatch( value, ctx, trailing_comment=trailing_comment ) else: doc = pretty_dispatch( value, ctx ) if comment: return comment_doc( doc, comment ) return doc
[docs]def register_pretty(type=None, predicate=None): """Returns a decorator that registers the decorated function as the pretty printer for instances of ``type``. :param type: the type to register the pretty printer for, or a ``str`` to indicate the module and name, e.g.: ``'collections.Counter'``. :param predicate: a predicate function that takes one argument and returns a boolean indicating if the value should be handled by the registered pretty printer. Only one of ``type`` and ``predicate`` may be supplied. That means that ``predicate`` will be run on unregistered types only. The decorated function must accept exactly two positional arguments: - ``value`` to pretty print, and - ``ctx``, a context value. Here's an example of the pretty printer for OrderedDict: .. code:: python from collections import OrderedDict from prettyprinter import register_pretty, pretty_call @register_pretty(OrderedDict) def pretty_orderreddict(value, ctx): return pretty_call(ctx, OrderedDict, list(value.items())) """ if type is None and predicate is None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either the 'type' or 'predicate' argument." ) if type is not None and predicate is not None: raise ValueError( "You must provide either the 'type' or 'predicate' argument," "but not both" ) if predicate is not None: if not callable(predicate): raise ValueError( "Expected a callable for 'predicate', got {}".format( repr(predicate) ) ) def decorator(fn): sig = inspect.signature(fn) value = None ctx = None try: sig.bind(value, ctx) except TypeError: fnname = '{}.{}'.format( fn.__module__, fn.__qualname__ ) raise ValueError( "Functions decorated with register_pretty must accept " "exactly two positional parameters: 'value' and 'ctx'. " "The function signature for {} was not compatible.".format( fnname ) ) if type: if isinstance(type, str): # We don't wrap this with _run_pretty, # so that when we register this printer with an actual # class, we can call register_pretty(cls)(fn) _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME[type] = fn else: pretty_dispatch.register(type, partial(_run_pretty, fn)) else: assert callable(predicate) _PREDICATE_REGISTRY.append((predicate, fn)) return fn return decorator
def is_registered( type, *, check_superclasses=False, check_deferred=True, register_deferred=True ): if not check_deferred and register_deferred: raise ValueError( 'register_deferred may not be True when check_deferred is False' ) if type in pretty_dispatch.registry: return True if check_deferred: # Check deferred printers for the type exactly. deferred_key = get_deferred_key(type) if deferred_key in _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME: if register_deferred: deferred_dispatch = _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME.pop( deferred_key ) register_pretty(type)(deferred_dispatch) return True if not check_superclasses: return False if check_deferred: # Check deferred printers for supertypes. for supertype in type.__mro__[1:]: deferred_key = get_deferred_key(supertype) if deferred_key in _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME: if register_deferred: deferred_dispatch = _DEFERRED_DISPATCH_BY_NAME.pop( deferred_key ) register_pretty(supertype)(deferred_dispatch) return True return pretty_dispatch.dispatch(type) is not _BASE_DISPATCH def bracket(ctx, left, child, right): return concat([ left, nest(ctx.indent, concat([SOFTLINE, child])), SOFTLINE, right ]) def commentdoc(text): """Returns a Doc representing a comment `text`. `text` is treated as words, and any whitespace may be used to break the comment to multiple lines.""" if not text: raise ValueError( 'Expected non-empty comment str, got {}'.format(repr(text)) ) commentlines = [] for line in text.splitlines(): alternating_words_ws = list(filter(None, WHITESPACE_PATTERN_TEXT.split(line))) starts_with_whitespace = bool( WHITESPACE_PATTERN_TEXT.match(alternating_words_ws[0]) ) if starts_with_whitespace: prefix = alternating_words_ws[0] alternating_words_ws = alternating_words_ws[1:] else: prefix = NIL if len(alternating_words_ws) % 2 == 0: # The last part must be whitespace. alternating_words_ws = alternating_words_ws[:-1] for idx, tup in enumerate(zip(alternating_words_ws, cycle([False, True]))): part, is_ws = tup if is_ws: alternating_words_ws[idx] = flat_choice( when_flat=part, when_broken=always_break( concat([ HARDLINE, '# ', ]) ) ) commentlines.append( concat([ '# ', prefix, fill(alternating_words_ws) ]) ) outer = identity if len(commentlines) > 1: outer = always_break return annotate( Token.COMMENT_SINGLE, outer(concat(intersperse(HARDLINE, commentlines))) ) def sequence_of_docs(ctx, left, docs, right, dangle=False, force_break=False): docs = list(docs) # Performance optimization: # in case of really long sequences, # the layout algorithm can be quite slow. # No branching here is needed if the sequence # is long enough that even with the shortest # element output, it does not fit the ribbon width. minimum_output_len = ( 2 + # Assume left and right are one character each len(', ') * (len(docs) - 1) + len(docs) # each element must take at least one character ) MAX_PRACTICAL_RIBBON_WIDTH = 150 will_break = force_break or minimum_output_len > MAX_PRACTICAL_RIBBON_WIDTH has_comment = any(is_commented(doc) for doc in docs) parts = [] for idx, doc in enumerate(docs): last = idx == len(docs) - 1 if is_commented(doc): comment_str = doc.annotation.value # Try to fit the comment at the end of the same line. flat_version = concat([ doc, COMMA if not last else NIL, ' ', commentdoc(comment_str), HARDLINE if not last else NIL ]) # If the value is broken to multiple lines, add # comment on the line above. broken_version = concat([ commentdoc(comment_str), HARDLINE, doc, COMMA if not last else NIL, HARDLINE if not last else NIL ]) parts.append( group( flat_choice( when_flat=flat_version, when_broken=broken_version, ) ) ) else: parts.append(doc) if not last: parts.append( concat([COMMA, LINE]) ) if dangle: parts.append(COMMA) outer = ( always_break if will_break or has_comment else group ) return outer(bracket(ctx, left, concat(parts), right))
[docs]def pretty_call(ctx, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Returns a Doc that represents a function call to :keyword:`fn` with the remaining positional and keyword arguments. You can only use this function on Python 3.6+. On Python 3.5, the order of keyword arguments is not maintained, and you have to use :func:`~prettyprinter.pretty_call_alt`. Given an arbitrary context ``ctx``,:: pretty_call(ctx, sorted, [7, 4, 5], reverse=True) Will result in output:: sorted([7, 4, 5], reverse=True) The layout algorithm will automatically break the call to multiple lines if needed:: sorted( [7, 4, 5], reverse=True ) ``pretty_call`` automatically handles syntax highlighting. :param ctx: a context value :type ctx: prettyprinter.prettyprinter.PrettyContext :param fn: a callable :param args: positional arguments to render to the call :param kwargs: keyword arguments to render to the call :returns: :class:`~prettyprinter.doc.Doc` """ return pretty_call_alt(ctx, fn, args, kwargs)
[docs]def pretty_call_alt(ctx, fn, args=(), kwargs=()): """Returns a Doc that represents a function call to :keyword:`fn` with the ``args`` and ``kwargs``. Given an arbitrary context ``ctx``,:: pretty_call_alt(ctx, sorted, args=([7, 4, 5], ), kwargs=[('reverse', True)]) Will result in output:: sorted([7, 4, 5], reverse=True) The layout algorithm will automatically break the call to multiple lines if needed:: sorted( [7, 4, 5], reverse=True ) ``pretty_call_alt`` automatically handles syntax highlighting. :param ctx: a context value :type ctx: prettyprinter.prettyprinter.PrettyContext :param fn: a callable :param args: a ``tuple`` of positional arguments to render to the call :param kwargs: keyword arguments to render to the call. Either an instance of ``OrderedDict``, or an iterable of two-tuples, where the first element is a `str` (key), and the second is the Python value for that keyword argument. :returns: :class:`~prettyprinter.doc.Doc` """ fndoc = general_identifier(fn) if ctx.depth_left <= 0: return concat([fndoc, LPAREN, ELLIPSIS, RPAREN]) if not kwargs and len(args) == 1: sole_arg = args[0] unwrapped_sole_arg, _comment, _trailing_comment = unwrap_comments(args[0]) if type(unwrapped_sole_arg) in (list, dict, tuple): return build_fncall( ctx, fndoc, argdocs=[pretty_python_value(sole_arg, ctx)], hug_sole_arg=True, ) nested_ctx = ( ctx .nested_call() .use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_HANG) ) if not DICT_KEY_ORDER_SUPPORTED and isinstance(kwargs, dict): warnings.warn( "A dict was passed to pretty_call_alt to represent kwargs, " "but Python 3.5 doesn't maintain key order for dicts. The order " "of keyword arguments will be undefined in the output. " "To fix this, pass a list of two-tuples or an instance of " "OrderedDict instead.", UserWarning ) kwargitems = ( kwargs.items() if isinstance(kwargs, (OrderedDict, dict)) else kwargs ) return build_fncall( ctx, fndoc, argdocs=( pretty_python_value(arg, nested_ctx) for arg in args ), kwargdocs=( (kwarg, pretty_python_value(v, nested_ctx)) for kwarg, v in kwargitems ), )
def build_fncall( ctx, fndoc, argdocs=(), kwargdocs=(), hug_sole_arg=False, trailing_comment=None, ): """Builds a doc that looks like a function call, from docs that represent the function, arguments and keyword arguments. If ``hug_sole_arg`` is True, and the represented functional call is done with a single non-keyword argument, the function call parentheses will hug the sole argument doc without newlines and indentation in break mode. This makes a difference in calls like this:: > hug_sole_arg = False frozenset( [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] ) > hug_sole_arg = True frozenset([ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ]) If ``trailing_comment`` is provided, the text is rendered as a comment after the last argument and before the closing parenthesis. This will force the function call to be broken to multiple lines. """ if callable(fndoc): fndoc = general_identifier(fndoc) has_comment = bool(trailing_comment) argdocs = list(argdocs) kwargdocs = list(kwargdocs) kwargdocs = [ # Propagate any comments to the kwarg doc. ( comment_doc( concat([ keyword_arg(binding), ASSIGN_OP, doc.doc ]), doc.annotation.value ) if is_commented(doc) else concat([ keyword_arg(binding), ASSIGN_OP, doc ]) ) for binding, doc in kwargdocs ] if not (argdocs or kwargdocs): return concat([ fndoc, LPAREN, RPAREN, ]) if ( hug_sole_arg and not kwargdocs and len(argdocs) == 1 and not is_commented(argdocs[0]) ): return group( concat([ fndoc, LPAREN, argdocs[0], RPAREN ]) ) allarg_docs = [*argdocs, *kwargdocs] if trailing_comment: allarg_docs.append(commentdoc(trailing_comment)) parts = [] for idx, doc in enumerate(allarg_docs): last = idx == len(allarg_docs) - 1 if is_commented(doc): has_comment = True comment_str = doc.annotation.value doc = doc.doc else: comment_str = None part = concat([doc, NIL if last else COMMA]) if comment_str: part = group( flat_choice( when_flat=concat([ part, ' ', commentdoc(comment_str) ]), when_broken=concat([ commentdoc(comment_str), HARDLINE, part, ]), ) ) if not last: part = concat([part, HARDLINE if has_comment else LINE]) parts.append(part) outer = ( always_break if has_comment else group ) return outer( concat([ fndoc, LPAREN, nest( ctx.indent, concat([ SOFTLINE, concat(parts), ]) ), SOFTLINE, RPAREN ]) ) @register_pretty(type) def pretty_type(_type, ctx): if _type is type(None): # noqa # NoneType is not available in the global namespace, # clearer to print type(None) return pretty_call_alt(ctx, type, args=(None, )) result = general_identifier(_type) # For native types, we can print the class identifier, e.g. # >>> int # int # # But for others, such as: # >>> import functools; functools.partial # functools.partial # # It may be unclear what kind of value it is, unless the user already # knows it's a class. The default repr from Python is # <class 'functools.partial'>, so we'll imitate that by adding # a comment indicating that the value is a class. module = _type.__module__ if module in IMPLICIT_MODULES: return result return comment( result, 'class' ) @register_pretty(FunctionType) def pretty_function(fn, ctx): return comment( general_identifier(fn), 'function' ) @register_pretty(BuiltinFunctionType) # Also includes bound methods. def pretty_builtin_function(fn, ctx): try: cls_inst = fn.__self__ except Exception: is_method = False else: # Apparently built-in functions like sorted have the builtin Module # returned from __self__. is_method = not isinstance(cls_inst, ModuleType) return comment( general_identifier(fn), 'built-in bound method' if is_method else 'built-in function' ) namedtuple_clsattrs = ( '__slots__', '_make', '_replace', '_asdict' ) c_namedtuple_identify_by_clsattrs = ( 'n_fields', 'n_sequence_fields', 'n_unnamed_fields' ) def _is_namedtuple(value): cls = type(value) for attrname in namedtuple_clsattrs: try: getattr(cls, attrname) except AttributeError: return False return True def _is_cnamedtuple(value): cls = type(value) for attrname in c_namedtuple_identify_by_clsattrs: try: val = getattr(cls, attrname) except AttributeError: return False else: if not isinstance(val, int): return False return True def pretty_namedtuple(value, ctx, trailing_comment=None): constructor = type(value) kwargs = zip(constructor._fields, value) return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, kwargs=kwargs) # Given a cnamedtuple value, returns a tuple # of fieldnames. Each fieldname at ith index of # the tuple corresponds to the ith element in the cnamedtuple. def resolve_cnamedtuple_fieldnames(value): # The cnamedtuple repr returns a non-evaluable representation # of the value. It has the keyword arguments for each element # of the named tuple in the correct order. You can see the # source here: # # As long as the repr is implemented like that, we can count # on this function to work. expr_node = ast.parse(repr(value), mode='eval') call_node = expr_node.body return tuple( keyword_node.arg for keyword_node in call_node.keywords ) # Keys: classes/constructors # Values: a tuple of fieldnames is resolving them was successful. # Otherwise, an exception that was raised when attempting # to resolve the fieldnames. _cnamedtuple_fieldnames_by_class = WeakKeyDictionary() # Examples of cnamedtuples: # - return value of time.strptime() # - return value of os.uname() def pretty_cnamedtuple(value, ctx, trailing_comment=None): cls = type(value) if cls not in _cnamedtuple_fieldnames_by_class: try: fieldnames = resolve_cnamedtuple_fieldnames(value) except Exception as exc: fieldnames = exc _cnamedtuple_fieldnames_by_class[cls] = fieldnames fieldnames = _cnamedtuple_fieldnames_by_class[cls] if isinstance(fieldnames, Exception): raise fieldnames return pretty_call_alt( ctx, cls, args=tuple([ tuple( comment(val, fieldname) for val, fieldname in zip(value, fieldnames) ) ]) ) @register_pretty(SimpleNamespace) def pretty_simplenamespace(value, ctx, trailing_comment=None): cls = type(value) return pretty_call_alt( ctx, cls, args=(), kwargs=[ (k, value.__dict__[k]) for k in sorted(value.__dict__) ] ) @register_pretty(tuple) @register_pretty(list) @register_pretty(set) def pretty_bracketable_iterable(value, ctx, trailing_comment=None): constructor = type(value) if isinstance(value, tuple): if _is_cnamedtuple(value): try: return pretty_cnamedtuple( value, ctx, trailing_comment=trailing_comment ) except Exception: pass # render as a normal tuple elif _is_namedtuple(value): return pretty_namedtuple(value, ctx, trailing_comment=trailing_comment) is_native_type = constructor in (tuple, list, set) if len(value) > ctx.max_seq_len: truncation_comment = '...and {} more elements'.format( len(value) - ctx.max_seq_len ) trailing_comment = ( truncation_comment + '. ' + trailing_comment if trailing_comment else truncation_comment ) dangle = False if isinstance(value, list): left, right = LBRACKET, RBRACKET elif isinstance(value, tuple): left, right = LPAREN, RPAREN if len(value) == 1: dangle = True elif isinstance(value, set): left, right = LBRACE, RBRACE if not value: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): if is_native_type: return concat([left, right]) return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor) else: # E.g. set() or SubclassOfSet() return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor) if ctx.depth_left == 0: if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): literal = concat([left, ELLIPSIS, right]) if is_native_type: return literal return build_fncall( ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(literal, ), hug_sole_arg=True ) else: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=(..., )) if len(value) == 1: sole_value = list(value)[0] els = [ pretty_python_value( sole_value, ctx=( ctx .nested_call() .use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PLAIN) ) ) ] else: els = ( pretty_python_value( el, ctx=( ctx .nested_call() .use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_HANG) ) ) for el in take(ctx.max_seq_len, value) ) if trailing_comment: els = chain(els, [commentdoc(trailing_comment)]) dangle = False literal = sequence_of_docs( ctx, left, els, right, dangle=dangle, force_break=bool(trailing_comment) ) if is_native_type: return literal return build_fncall( ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(literal, ), hug_sole_arg=True ) @register_pretty(frozenset) def pretty_frozenset(value, ctx): constructor = type(value) if value: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=(list(value), )) return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor) class _AlwaysSortable(object): __slots__ = ('value', ) def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def sortable_value(self): return (str(type(self)), id(self)) def __lt__(self, other): try: return self.value < other.value except TypeError: return self.sortable_value() < other.sortable_value() @register_pretty(dict) def pretty_dict(d, ctx, trailing_comment=None): constructor = type(d) is_native_type = constructor is dict if ctx.depth_left == 0: literal = concat([LBRACE, ELLIPSIS, RBRACE]) if is_native_type: return literal return build_fncall( ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(literal, ), hug_sole_arg=True ) if len(d) > ctx.max_seq_len: count_truncated = len(d) - ctx.max_seq_len truncation_comment = '...and {} more elements'.format( count_truncated ) trailing_comment = ( truncation_comment + '. ' + trailing_comment if trailing_comment else truncation_comment ) has_comment = bool(trailing_comment) sorted_keys = ( sorted(d.keys(), key=_AlwaysSortable) if ctx.sort_dict_keys else d.keys() ) pairs = [] for k in take(ctx.max_seq_len, sorted_keys): v = d[k] if isinstance(k, (str, bytes)): kdoc = pretty_str( k, # not a nested call on purpose ctx=ctx.use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PARENS), ) else: kdoc = pretty_python_value( k, ctx=ctx.nested_call() ) vdoc = pretty_python_value( v, ctx=( ctx .nested_call() .use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_INDENTED) ), ) kcomment = None if is_commented(kdoc): has_comment = True kcomment = kdoc.annotation.value kdoc = kdoc.doc vcomment = None if is_commented(vdoc): has_comment = True vcomment = vdoc.annotation.value vdoc = vdoc.doc pairs.append((k, v, kdoc, vdoc, kcomment, vcomment)) parts = [] for idx, tup in enumerate(pairs): last = idx == len(pairs) - 1 k, v, kdoc, vdoc, kcomment, vcomment = tup if not (kcomment or vcomment): parts.append( concat([ kdoc, concat([COLON, ' ']), vdoc, NIL if last else COMMA, NIL if last else LINE, ]), ) continue if kcomment: kcommented = concat([ commentdoc(kcomment), HARDLINE, kdoc, ]) else: kcommented = kdoc if vcomment: vcommented = group( flat_choice( # Add comment at the end of the line when_flat=concat([ vdoc, NIL if last else COMMA, ' ', commentdoc(vcomment), NIL if last else HARDLINE, ]), # Put comment above the value # on its own line when_broken=concat([ nest( ctx.indent, concat([ HARDLINE, commentdoc(vcomment), HARDLINE, # Rerender vdoc with plain multiline strategy, # since we already have an indentation. pretty_python_value( v, ctx=( ctx .nested_call() .use_multiline_strategy(MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PLAIN) ), ), COMMA if not last else NIL, ]) ), HARDLINE if not last else NIL ]) ) ) else: vcommented = concat([ vdoc, COMMA if not last else NIL, LINE if not last else NIL ]) parts.append( concat([ kcommented, concat([COLON, ' ']), vcommented ]) ) if trailing_comment: parts.append(concat([ HARDLINE, commentdoc(trailing_comment) ])) doc = bracket( ctx, LBRACE, concat(parts), RBRACE, ) if len(pairs) > 2 or has_comment: doc = always_break(doc) else: doc = group(doc) if is_native_type: return doc if not parts: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor) return build_fncall( ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(doc, ), hug_sole_arg=True ) INF_FLOAT = float('inf') NEG_INF_FLOAT = float('-inf') @register_pretty(float) def pretty_float(value, ctx): constructor = type(value) if ctx.depth_left == 0: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=(..., )) if value == INF_FLOAT: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=('inf', )) elif value == NEG_INF_FLOAT: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=('-inf', )) elif math.isnan(value): return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=('nan', )) doc = annotate(Token.NUMBER_FLOAT, repr(value)) if constructor is float: return doc return build_fncall(ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(doc, )) @register_pretty(int) def pretty_int(value, ctx): constructor = type(value) if ctx.depth_left == 0: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=(..., )) doc = annotate(Token.NUMBER_INT, repr(value)) if constructor is int: return doc return build_fncall(ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(doc, )) @register_pretty(type(...)) def pretty_ellipsis(value, ctx): return ELLIPSIS @register_pretty(bool) def pretty_bool(value, ctx): constructor = type(value) doc = annotate(Token.KEYWORD_CONSTANT, 'True' if value else 'False') if constructor is bool: return doc return build_fncall( ctx, general_identifier(constructor), argdocs=(doc, ) ) NONE_DOC = annotate(Token.KEYWORD_CONSTANT, 'None') @register_pretty(type(None)) def pretty_none(value, ctx): return NONE_DOC SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT = "'" SINGLE_QUOTE_BYTES = b"'" DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT = '"' DOUBLE_QUOTE_BYTES = b'"' def determine_quote_strategy(s): if isinstance(s, str): single_quote = SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT double_quote = DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT else: single_quote = SINGLE_QUOTE_BYTES double_quote = DOUBLE_QUOTE_BYTES contains_single = single_quote in s contains_double = double_quote in s if not contains_single: return SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT if not contains_double: return DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT assert contains_single and contains_double single_count = s.count(single_quote) double_count = s.count(double_quote) if single_count <= double_count: return SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT return DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT def escape_str_for_quote(use_quote, s): escaped_with_quotes = repr(s) repr_used_quote = escaped_with_quotes[-1] # string may have a prefix first_quote_at_index = escaped_with_quotes.find(repr_used_quote) repr_escaped = escaped_with_quotes[first_quote_at_index + 1:-1] if repr_used_quote == use_quote: # repr produced the quotes we wanted - # escaping is correct. return repr_escaped # repr produced different quotes, which escapes # alternate quotes. if use_quote == SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT: # repr used double quotes return ( repr_escaped .replace('\\"', DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT) .replace(SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT, "\\'") ) else: # repr used single quotes return ( repr_escaped .replace("\\'", SINGLE_QUOTE_TEXT) .replace(DOUBLE_QUOTE_TEXT, '\\"') ) STR_LITERAL_ESCAPES = re.compile( r'''((?:\\[\\abfnrtv"'])|''' r'(?:\\N\{.*?\})|' r'(?:\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{4})|' r'(?:\\U[a-fA-F0-9]{8})|' r'(?:\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{2})|' r'(?:\\[0-7]{1,3}))' ) def highlight_escapes(s): if not s: return NIL matches = STR_LITERAL_ESCAPES.split(s) starts_with_match = bool(STR_LITERAL_ESCAPES.match(matches[0])) docs = [] for part, is_escaped in zip( matches, cycle([starts_with_match, not starts_with_match]) ): if not part: continue docs.append( annotate( ( Token.STRING_ESCAPE if is_escaped else Token.LITERAL_STRING ), part ) ) return concat(docs) def pretty_single_line_str(s, indent, use_quote=None): prefix = ( annotate(Token.STRING_AFFIX, 'b') if isinstance(s, bytes) else '' ) if use_quote is None: use_quote = determine_quote_strategy(s) escaped = escape_str_for_quote(use_quote, s) escapes_highlighted = highlight_escapes(escaped) return concat([ prefix, annotate( Token.LITERAL_STRING, concat([ use_quote, escapes_highlighted, use_quote ]) ) ]) def split_at(idx, sequence): return (sequence[:idx], sequence[idx:]) def escaped_len(s, use_quote): return len(escape_str_for_quote(use_quote, s)) def str_to_lines(max_len, use_quote, s, pattern=None): assert max_len > 0, "max_len must be positive" if len(s) <= max_len: if s: yield s return if pattern is None: if isinstance(s, str): whitespace_pattern = WHITESPACE_PATTERN_TEXT nonword_pattern = NONWORD_PATTERN_TEXT else: assert isinstance(s, bytes) whitespace_pattern = WHITESPACE_PATTERN_BYTES nonword_pattern = NONWORD_PATTERN_BYTES alternating_words_ws = whitespace_pattern.split(s) pattern = whitespace_pattern if len(alternating_words_ws) <= 1: # no whitespace: try splitting with nonword pattern. alternating_words_ws = nonword_pattern.split(s) pattern = nonword_pattern else: alternating_words_ws = pattern.split(s) if isinstance(s, str): empty = '' else: assert isinstance(s, bytes) empty = b'' starts_with_whitespace = bool(pattern.match(alternating_words_ws[0])) # List[Tuple[str, bool]] # The boolean associated with each part indicates if it is a # whitespce/non-word part or not. tagged_alternating = iter( zip( alternating_words_ws, cycle([starts_with_whitespace, not starts_with_whitespace]) ) ) next_part = None next_is_whitespace = None curr_line_parts = [] curr_line_len = 0 while True: if not next_part: try: next_part, next_is_whitespace = next(tagged_alternating) except StopIteration: break if not next_part: continue # We think of the current line as including next_part, # but as an optimization we don't append to curr_line_parts, # as we often would have to pop it back out. next_escaped_len = escaped_len(next_part, use_quote) curr_line_len += next_escaped_len if curr_line_len == max_len: if not next_is_whitespace and len(curr_line_parts) > 1: yield empty.join(curr_line_parts) curr_line_parts = [] curr_line_len = 0 # Leave next_part and next_is_whitespace as is # to be processed on next iteration else: yield empty.join(chain(curr_line_parts, [next_part])) curr_line_parts = [] curr_line_len = 0 next_part = None next_is_whitespace = None elif curr_line_len > max_len: if not next_is_whitespace and curr_line_parts: yield empty.join(curr_line_parts) curr_line_parts = [] curr_line_len = 0 # Leave next_part and next_is_whitespace as is # to be processed on next iteration continue remaining_len = max_len - (curr_line_len - next_escaped_len) this_line_part, next_line_part = split_at(max(remaining_len, 0), next_part) if this_line_part: curr_line_parts.append(this_line_part) if curr_line_parts: yield empty.join(curr_line_parts) curr_line_parts = [] curr_line_len = 0 if next_line_part: next_part = next_line_part else: next_part = None else: curr_line_parts.append(next_part) next_part = None next_is_whitespace = None if curr_line_parts: yield empty.join(curr_line_parts) @register_pretty(str) @register_pretty(bytes) def pretty_str(s, ctx, split_pattern=None): # Subclasses of str/bytes # will be printed as StrSubclass('the actual string') constructor = type(s) is_native_type = constructor in (str, bytes) if ctx.depth_left == 0: return pretty_call_alt(ctx, constructor, args=(..., )) multiline_strategy = ctx.multiline_strategy prettyprinter_indent = ctx.indent def evaluator(indent, column, page_width, ribbon_width): nonlocal multiline_strategy columns_left_in_line = page_width - column columns_left_in_ribbon = indent + ribbon_width - column available_width = min(columns_left_in_line, columns_left_in_ribbon) singleline_str_chars = len(s) + len('""') flat_version = pretty_single_line_str(s, prettyprinter_indent) if singleline_str_chars <= available_width: if is_native_type: return flat_version return build_fncall(ctx, constructor, argdocs=[flat_version]) # multiline string each_line_starts_on_col = indent each_line_ends_on_col = min(page_width, each_line_starts_on_col + ribbon_width) each_line_max_str_len = max( each_line_ends_on_col - each_line_starts_on_col - 2, # If we're printing the string inside a highly nested data # structure, we may naturally run out of available width. # In these cases, we need to give some space for printing # such that we don't get stuck in an infinite loop when # str_to_lines is called. 8 + len('""') ) use_quote = determine_quote_strategy(s) lines = list(str_to_lines( max_len=each_line_max_str_len, use_quote=use_quote, s=s, pattern=split_pattern, )) if len(lines) == 1: return flat_version parts = intersperse( HARDLINE, ( pretty_single_line_str( line, indent=prettyprinter_indent, use_quote=use_quote, ) for line in lines ) ) if not is_native_type: multiline_strategy = MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PLAIN if multiline_strategy == MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PLAIN: res = always_break(concat(parts)) if is_native_type: return res return build_fncall(ctx, constructor, argdocs=[res]) elif multiline_strategy == MULTILINE_STRATEGY_HANG: return always_break( nest( prettyprinter_indent, concat(parts) ) ) else: if multiline_strategy == MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PARENS: left_paren, right_paren = LPAREN, RPAREN else: assert multiline_strategy == MULTILINE_STRATEGY_INDENTED left_paren, right_paren = '', '' return always_break( concat([ left_paren, nest( prettyprinter_indent, concat([ HARDLINE, *parts, ]) ), ( HARDLINE if multiline_strategy == MULTILINE_STRATEGY_PARENS else NIL ), right_paren ]) ) return contextual(evaluator) def _pretty_recursion(value): return '<Recursion on {} with id={}>'.format( type(value).__name__, id(value) )
[docs]def python_to_sdocs( value, indent, width, depth, ribbon_width, max_seq_len, sort_dict_keys ): if depth is None: depth = float('inf') doc = pretty_python_value( value, ctx=PrettyContext( indent=indent, depth_left=depth, visited=set(), max_seq_len=max_seq_len, sort_dict_keys=sort_dict_keys ) ) if is_commented(doc): doc = group( flat_choice( when_flat=concat([ doc, ' ', commentdoc(doc.annotation.value), ]), when_broken=concat([ commentdoc(doc.annotation.value), HARDLINE, doc ]) ) ) ribbon_frac = min(1.0, ribbon_width / width) return layout_smart(doc, width=width, ribbon_frac=ribbon_frac)